Friluftsliv Friday

I am trying to live a life more influenced by the Nordic nature-inspired way of life of “Friluftslivl” and today was no exception. It’s hard for me to escape to nature and my daily life as a city dweller provides only a few natural respites from which to choose. Enter my employer, a large provider of housing for senior citizens, who provides nature trails on our secure campus. I have to admit, I’m not crazy about the in-person work requirement, but I do consider the nature trails to be a major benefit of working there. There is a forest buffer area, a pond area, a wildflower area, easy trails, and several other areas I haven’t even explored yet. I find myself getting annoyed if I can’t escape for a half hour each today to walk around the campus and feel close to to nature. Sometimes I’m resent the fact that I’m too busy to take a long walk or I didn’t have time to pack a lunch and I have to go buy food or tend to other errands during that time. I often fantasize about finding time on the weekends to getaway to nearby natural areas with my family or even by myself but that rarely happens. The kids would rather run around the neighborhood and play with their friends or we have other commitments that prevent us from escaping to nature. These sound like excuses but they are a reality to me. I certainly can’t be the only one with this problem.

Above is one of the nature trails at my workplace.

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